Free Gifts & Offers From Our Experts:

Dr. Joe Vitale

Value $47 - FREE

The Beginner's Guide to Miracles:
Six Steps to Enlightenment 7 Day Online Course

You can create the life you deserve. Here's how to do it.

In this course you'll cover:

  • Intention: Name Your Miracle
  • Take Action: Start Where Your Shoes Are
  • The Missing Secret: Clearing Your Blocks
  • Protect Your Dreams
  • There's No Failure; It's All Feedback
  • Celebrate Your Achievement
  • $47 value

Akanke Adefunmi

Value $197 - FREE

Empowered Choice Strategy Session

In your Private 45 minute session, you will get practical tools and actionable items that you can implement immediately to improve your work-life satisfaction, sanity, and success.

Here's what we'll do together:

  • Define exactly what you'd love to have in your personal and professional life.
  • Uncover hidden blocks and unconscious choices that are getting in your way. I'll coach you on how to make choices that empower you at work and home.
  • Identify the top Yes's and No's necessary to create the life you desire.
  • You'll get clarity on your next steps.

I guarantee you'll walk away with something you can implement immediately.

Do you know that when you're not crystal clear about what you say Yes and No to at work and home, you're unconsciously creating more stress, overwhelm, disconnection and unhappiness for your family and you, instead of the work-life satisfaction, success and happiness you want?

The clearer you are about what you want to create, your YES, and what needs to be released or let go of, your NO, it becomes easier to:

  • Prioritize
  • Focus and be productive
  • Delegate and ask for help
  • Stay connected and be present
  • Know what's next for you and your family
  • Create the space and time for people, passions and yourself
  • Let go and say "No" to people, places, things, and ways of functioning that don't serve the life you want. And so much more!

Yes, these two simple words have that much power in your life. Sign up for your Empowered Choice Strategy Session today. Get clear about your YES or NO and begin making choices and taking actions in service to a life you love.

Akanke Adefunmi

Value $350 - Only $247

Work-Life Legacy Session

Are you ready to go even deeper, to make HUGE changes in one or more areas of your life? If so, then you'll want to schedule a dynamic Work-Life Legacy Session. During the From Parenting Pain to Parenting Peace World Summit ONLY, you can get this 2-hour one-on-one deep dive session for only $247 (normally $350). 

Here's what you can expect:

You were created to be an individual for a reason, to be a unique one-of-a-kind expression of life. But in the busyness of day-to-day living and doing we can get lost, covered up by our many roles and responsibilities or find that we've forgotten ourselves entirely; ultimately leading to feelings of dissatisfaction, lack of clarity and fulfillment, or being blocked from making the impact we want to make in the world.

In this session Akanke uses proven tools and techniques to get underneath the underneath. And together we craft a core legacy statement that gives you the clarity and direction needed to make the right choices, develop strategies and take effective actions for success at work and home - ultimately supporting you to live by design, not default.

Why "Legacy"? Because when you contemplate what you want to be remembered for, the life you want to have lived and the mark you want to leave behind, you'll live more intentionally, purposefully and powerfully today.

You'll leave the session feeling grounded, confident, with a renewed sense of self, and with the clarity needed to THRIVE.


Bella Shing & Joy Bernstein

Value $97 - FREE

Master Self Care with Essential Oils Course

14 Day Self Care with Essential Oil Training Course

Taking the wheel of life, we look at all areas of life that need to be optimized in order to feel like one is living a happy fulfilling life.

Each day we take a section and give you easy tips, videos, practices to support you in that aspect of life.

When your well is full, it is easy to be an inspiration to others and truly offer them something of benefit.

Bella Shing & Joy Bernstein

doTERRA Essential Oils

Our pure essential oils are revolutionizing the way families manage their health. We harness nature's most powerful elements and share these gifts through our global community of Wellness Advocates.


Brad Yates

Value $27 - FREE

Tapping Into Abundance

In this powerful audio recording, you will be guided through exercises - using both meridian tapping and guided imagery - to help you experience an even greater abundance of health, wealth and happiness in your life.

Brad Yates

Value $464 - Only $97

Optimal Well-Being Package

This special collection of programs will help you cultivate the well-being in body, mind and spirit that supports you in achieving Success Beyond Belief!

Here's what you get:

The Key to Success (PDF)

Where do you want to succeed today?

Do you dream of a better life, but find it difficult to make it happen? Do you suffer from stress, unhealthy habits and other symptoms of a life out of balance? Have you read all the self-help books, but you're unable (or unwilling) to finish them or do the exercises? This book can change all of that for you. You will discover what has been holding you back, and learn simple and effective tools - including the cutting-edge Emotional Freedom Techniques - to activate your natural ability to succeed!

38 Tapping mp3s

19 recorded rounds of tapping (2 mp3s per round) for a variety of issues, such as money blocks, feelings of unworthiness and loneliness.

So, who is ready to get rapid relief from a variety of troubling issues - right now - in the comfort of your home, office, or wherever you go...?

The EFT Wizard's Big Book of Tapping Scripts eBook

You get 101 tapping scripts (well over 300 pages!) garnered from various teleclasses - primarily Tapping Into Abundance - filled with ideas and metaphors and life lessons that will help you release limiting beliefs and enhance your ability to allow an ever-greater abundance of health, wealth and happiness in your life.

Golf Beyond Belief (mp3)

Who else wants a simple but powerful way to get the winning edge...? EFT is proving to be the secret weapon of a growing number of golfers. I'm here to help you add this tool to your arsenal.

Sales Beyond Belief (mp3 + PDF)

Are you ready to move your sales career (and your life) powerfully FORWARD? The thoughts that go through your head are the most important factor in determining your success in any area of life, including sales. If you're ready to dump the thoughts that are blocking your success - and adopt empowering beliefs that move you powerfully forward towards the abundance you both desire and deserve - here's something that will create an amazing shift in your prosperity consciousness.

Program Yourself for Success (mp3)

This may come as a surprise to you, but... you are 100% successful - 100% of the time!

In this powerful 24 min audio combining guided imagery and EFT, you will reprogram yourself for increased success, as well as tap away internal blocks to doing so.

Tapping Into Creativity (14 mp3s)

This is a 14 week teleclass series which I did with a group of folks following the 12 week creative recovery course in Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. It is a fantastic and powerful (and fun!) journey.


Craig Sigl

Value $97 - FREE

The 10 Commandments for a Sports Parent eBook +
8 Minutes to Confidence MP3

How to Build Mental Toughness & Confidence In Youth Athletes

  • 10 Actionable Tools sports parents can use to give their young competitor a huge boost in competition... and in life!
  • 6 Tips to Perform Under Pressure
  • 8 Minutes to Confidence mp3 audio recording kids can put on their phone, designed to listen to on the way to competition!

Craig Sigl

Value $1500 - Only $97

Mental Toughness Academy

How I Helped My Athletic Kid Go From Throwing Up With Anxiety To Team VIP

A story of hope for sports parents DETERMINED to give their kids unstoppable resiliency, the confidence to perform under pressure and powerful life skills from playing sports...

Now you can give your child the gift of mental toughness that will make their dreams come true!

  • Without spending big $$$ on sessions with a sports psychologist.
  • Without having to spend hours and hours reading books to try and learn techniques to help your child.
  • Without leaving it up to chance that your child will "out grow" their fears or worries.
  • Without having to hope and pray your child comes through their melt down without emotional scars.

Heather Sontag

Value $250 - FREE

Go Clutter Free 31 Day Training

Sick of being late, messy and overrun by clutter? Is there stuff everywhere? Kids toys in every room? Mail piling up? A schedule that's got your head spinning?

I want to help you have less stressed and end the overwhelm. Get 31 Days of Organizing to help automate and simplify your life. Get inside secrets from one parent to another about how to organize one step at a time.

These are bite size tips and tricks you can complete quickly. In one month your life is going to change and enable you to have time for the things that are important to you. Finish the month feeling calmer, more in control, in addition to having an organized home.

Heather Sontag

Value $450 - Only $97

The Sane Parent Toolkit

Wake up each day knowing it's going to be a great day. Create flow to your family life and connect more deeply. Enjoy family dinnertime because it's a breeze. Have energy and time for yourself - each and every day.

In this toolkit you'll get templates, recordings and support to have more time for yourself, while getting your home and family life running more smoothly. These templates and concepts were initially developed while using them with my own family. And since then, they've been tested and perfected by many happy families.

These are the tools I normally only share with my one-on-one VIP clients, so don't miss out on the chance to get the sanity you desire and deserve in this one time offer.

The Sane Parent Toolkit Includes:

  • Self Nourishing Training: Learn what really nourishes you and get small doses of it every day ($100 value)
  • Personalized Self Nourishing Plan ($50 value)
  • Your Home is Your Haven Training: Learn to setup your home and family so it all flows effortlessly ($100 value)
  • Meal Planner Template ($50 value)
  • Grocery Shopping Guide ($100 value)
  • Weekly Planner Template ($50 value)

Kathryn Jones

Value $97 - FREE

5 Peaceful Parenting Secrets: Reveal exactly why you lose it
at your children even when you are trying so hard not to!

In this short and powerful 45-minute mind-blowing Masterclass, I'll reveal the internal dialogue that is sabotaging your ability to remain calm and in charge:

  • Stop Flying Off The Handle: and take charge of every challenge your children throw at you in a calm and collected way - and on top of that they actually listen to you.
  • Parent Peacefully: parenting no longer becomes a battleground, but is joyful, fun & loving.
  • Have Effortless Transformation: why you'll never have to 'work on' your children again - they will be lovable even through the most difficult moments.
  • Parent With Confidence: cast aside self doubt, fear and anxiety about your children and never worry again about the attitudes and comments from others about your parenting!

Kathryn Jones

Value $1997 - Only $997

Focused Parent Coaching

Unlimited Coaching with Kathryn where you get as many 15-minute laser coaching calls with me as you want for a full year at one insanely low payment. That's less than $84 per month for UNLIMITED access to me.

So you can:

  • Understand why you just fly off the handle at the children when you are trying really, really hard not to,
  • Become a calm, respectful and totally awesome parent that takes charge of all parenting challenges with confidence and wisdom,
  • Have warm, loving, harmonious family with strong, long-lasting (life-time) relationship.

FREE bonuses when you join now:

  • Free Access to: 6 Step Peaceful Parenting System (Valued at $497) - Master the art of parenting from a peaceful place inside. No more yelling and screaming at the kids to get them to listen. Know exactly what to do in every parenting challenge with these revolutionary, simple to implement and highly effective Peaceful Parenting tools. Suitable for all ages.
  • Peaceful Parenting Breakthrough Session with Kathryn (Valued at $297) - Your opportunity to get crystal clear on what direction you want to head in parenting your children so you have confidence, clarity and a take charge attitude, knowing exactly what to do in every parenting challenge that arises.

Shelly Lefkoe

Value $197 - FREE

10 Things that Sabotage Your Child's Success and Happiness

This free video series will cover 10 simple, yet often repeated parenting mistakes that sabotage a child's beliefs about themselves and life - and hurt their future success and happiness.

Your interaction with your child during crucial moments and even seemingly innocent actions can end up seriously damaging their future!


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